Results for 'Gary A. Cziko'

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  1.  52
    Heeding Darwin but ignoring Bernard: External behaviors are not selected, internal goals are.Gary A. Cziko - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):534-535.
    Hull et al. see responses and properties of responses as units of selection in behavioral change. However, this perspective cannot account for goal-directed behavior in which organisms employ variable means to reliably attain intended consequences. An alternative perspective is offered in which the intended consequences (goals) of behavior serve as the units of selection in behavior change.
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    First page preview.Gary Cziko - 2004 - Philosophical Psychology 17 (2).
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  3. Varner, Gary E. "do species have standing?" Environmental ethics 9 (1987): Pp. 57-72.Gary Varner - manuscript
    In his recent article Should Trees Have Standing? Revisited" Christopher D. Stone has effectively withdrawn his proposal that natural objects be granted legal rights, in response to criticism from the Feinberg/McCloskey camp. Stone now favors a weaker proposal that natural objects be granted what he calls legal "considerateness". I argue that Stone's retreat is both unnecessary and undesirable. I develop the notion of a "de facto" legal right and argue that species already have de facto legal rights as statutory beneficiaries (...)
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  4. 3. On the Primacy of Character.Gary Watson - 1997 - In Daniel Statman, Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 56-81.
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    In the Spirit of Hegel: Post-Kantian Subjectivity, the Phenomenology Of Spirit, and Absolute Idealism.Gary Dorrien - 2012 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 33 (3):200-223.
    The greatest philosopher of the modern experience, G. W. F. Hegel, was deeply rooted in Plato, Aristotle, and Spinoza, and he synthesized the riches of Kantian and post-Kantian idealism. He put dynamic panentheism into play in modern theology, and in some way he inspired nearly every great philosophical idea and movement of the past two centuries. Yet no thinker is as routinely misconstrued as Hegel, partly because his greatest work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, defies categorization and is notoriously hard to (...)
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  6. " Freie Volksbuhne (The People's Stage) 1890-1912".Gary D. Stark - 2001 - In Derek Jones, Censorship: A World Encyclopedia. London: Fitzroy Dearborn (1412-1414). pp. 886--887.
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  7. Rebooting Ai: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust.Gary Marcus & Ernest Davis - 2019 - Vintage.
    Two leaders in the field offer a compelling analysis of the current state of the art and reveal the steps we must take to achieve a truly robust artificial intelligence. Despite the hype surrounding AI, creating an intelligence that rivals or exceeds human levels is far more complicated than we have been led to believe. Professors Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis have spent their careers at the forefront of AI research and have witnessed some of the greatest milestones in (...)
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    Quine and Russell.Gary Ostertag - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Gilbert Harman, A Companion to W. V. O. Quine. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 401–431.
    Peter Pagin: Indeterminacy of Translation: We discuss the content of the indeterminacy thesis, Quine's arguments for it and his associated behaviorism, consequences of the thesis, and some objections against it.
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    Social Democracy in the Making: Political and Religious Roots of European Socialism.Gary Dorrien - 2019 - Yale University Press.
    _An expansive and ambitious intellectual history of democratic socialism from one of the world’s leading intellectual historians and social ethicists_ The fallout from twenty years of neoliberal economic globalism has sparked a surge of interest in the old idea of democratic socialism—a democracy in which the people control the economy and government, no group dominates any other, and every citizen is free, equal, and included. With a focus on the intertwined legacies of Christian socialism and Social Democratic politics in Britain (...)
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    C. S. Peirce and the Nested Continua Model of Religious Interpretation.Gary Slater - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    The work develops resources in the work of Charles S. Pierce for the purposes of contemporary philosophy. It articulates 'a nested continua model' for theological interpretation, which is indebted to Pierce's creation of 'Existential Graphs', a system of diagrams designed to provide visual representation of the process of human reasoning. Gary Slater investigates how the model can be applied by looking at recent debates in historiography and concludes with an assessment of the model's theological implications.
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    Muslims from Al-Andalus in the madrasas of late fatimid and Aiyubid Egypt.Gary Leiser - 1999 - Al-Qantara 20 (1):137-160.
    Este artículo describe el papel representado por los musulmanes andalusíes en el desarrollo temprano y posterior función pedagógica de las madrasas en Egipto, desde el período fāṭimí tardío hasta el final de la época ayyūbí. Este papel está relacionado con la riḥla, el viaje que hacían los andalusíes a Oriente «en busca de la ciencia». El artículo se inicia con una breve exposición de la situación de las escuelas legales en el Egipto fāṭimí. A esto sigue el estudio de los (...)
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  12. On the Rationality of Propaganda.Gary James Jason - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (3):1-14.
    In this article, I set forth a theory of propaganda explaining what it is, how it relates to marketing, and the nature and types of ideology. I discuss the criteria by which we can judge the rationality or deceitfulness of propaganda. I defend the view that while propaganda can be perfectly rational, it rarely is, and I explain why that is the case. I finish by explaining why the question of the rationality or deceitfulness of propaganda is different from the (...)
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  13. Review of Gary Varner, Personhood, Ethics, and Animal Cognition: Situating Animals in Hare’s Two-Level Utilitarianism. [REVIEW]Gary Comstock - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (3):417-420.
    With his 1998 book, In Nature’s Interests? Gary Varner proved to be one of our most original and trenchant of environmental ethicists. Here, in the first of a promised two volume set, he makes his mark on another field, animal ethics, leaving an even deeper imprint. Thoroughly grounded in the relevant philosophical and scientific literatures, Varner is as precise in analysis as he is wide-ranging in scope. His writing is clear and rigorous, and he explains philosophical nuances with extraordinary (...)
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    Deep thought: 42 fantastic quotes that define philosophy.Gary Cox - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    As Douglas Adams points out, if there is no final answer to question, 'What is the meaning of life?', '42' is as good or bad an answer as any other. Indeed, 42 quotes might be even better! Gary Cox guides us through 42 of the most misunderstood, misquoted, provocative and significant quotes in the history of philosophy providing a witty and compelling commentary along the way. This entertaining and illuminating collection of quotes doesn't merely list who said what and (...)
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  15. Agency and answerability: selected essays.Gary Watson - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Since the 1970s Gary Watson has published a series of brilliant and highly influential essays on human action, examining such questions as: in what ways are we free and not free, rational and irrational, responsible or not for what we do? Moral philosophers and philosophers of action will welcome this collection, representing one of the most important bodies of work in the field.
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    As Good as It Gets: The Media's Disabling Stereotypes.Gary R. Hicks - 2003 - In Howard Good, Desperately seeking ethics: a guide to media conduct. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 119.
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    Caria and Crete in Antiquity: Cultural Interaction between Anatolia and the Aegean by Naomi Carless Unwin.Gary Reger - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):596-597.
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    Confusions regarding Conscience in the Time of COVID.Gary Michael Atkinson - 2022 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 22 (1):39-55.
    The aim of this essay is to demonstrate three main points: that many of the widespread appeals made to conscience in the time of COVID display little understanding of conscience’s fundamental nature; that they assume for conscience a sacrosanct status it does not possess; and that because of the first two points, conversation regarding conscience and COVID has generated considerable confusion. In support of these points, this paper shows what conscience is, employs St. John of the Cross’s examination of attachments (...)
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    Alienation and identity in romantic love.Gary Foster - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores the relationship between romantic love and personal identity by examining work in both areas by philosophers in the continental and analytic traditions. Foster finds a promising connection between love and identity in the Sartrean influenced notion of embodied love.
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    Scientific Methodology.Gary Gutting - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith, A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 423–432.
    Generically, “scientific methodology” denotes whatever generalized and systematically formulable procedures may be behind the successful pursuit of science. Since the ancient Greeks, people reflecting on science have been strongly attracted to the idea that there is a single comprehensive method employed in any genuinely scientific work. We will begin with this idealizing assumption, although we will later encounter ways in which it might be doubted.
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    Living chi: the ancient Chinese way to bring life energy and harmony into your life.Gary Khor - 2001 - Boston, Mass.: Tuttle.
    In Chinese chi is the manifestation of the force that animates all of life. Harnessing and maximizing chi within ourselves is not only essential to our well-being, it is the key to living a truly balanced life in mind, spirit and body. This book, written by an International Tai Chi judge and Grand Master, is a wide-ranging guide to ancient Chinese practices to improve the flow of chi in our lives. This book shows readers how chi works and how to (...)
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    Personhood.Gary Wiener (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Greenhaven Publishing.
    It might seem unnecessary to define what a person is, but the issue of personhood has been a longstanding source of debate. The scope of personhood has been questioned in many applications, including human slavery, right to life and right to end life, animal rights, bioethics, corporate rights, and theology. It is believed the question will arise again as robots and artificial intelligence become more sophisticated and ingrained in our culture. What makes a person, and who gets to define personhood? (...)
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    Art as Meme: The Key Issues Concerning Contemporary Art.Gary Willis - 2009 - Cologne, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
    The Art Meme The supernova that was art, must have imploded sometime back in the late twentieth century; its memes sent hurtling out into the furthest reaches of the universe. Everything appears as art now, although art itself has become a dark matter, a black hole, surrounded by pulsars. The mission of this project has been to track arts trace elements and evaluate its dynamic structure. To this end we have charted the further reaches of the stellar system and probed (...)
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    Universal human: creating authentic power and the new consciousness.Gary Zukav - 2021 - New York: Atria Books.
    The author of the legendary #1 New York Times bestseller The Seat of the Soul shows us step-by-fascinating-step how to create a life of love and where that now leads.
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  25. (1 other version)Quine's Relationship with Analytic Philosophy.Gary Kemp - 2013 - In Gilbert Harman & Ernest LePore, A Companion to W. V. O. Quine. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Grand Canyon: Views Beyond the Beauty.Gary Ladd - 2008 - Grand Canyon Association.
    Includes more than 100 photographs of views from overlooks and of inner-canyon sites by accalimed photographer Gary Ladd. In addition, this guide also features facts about dozens of inner-canyon rock formations and other features as well as a reader-friendly narrative concerning the geology, human history, prehistory, ecology, and weather patterns of one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
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    Building womanist coalitions: writing and teaching in the spirit of love.Gary Lemons (ed.) - 2019 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    Over the last generation, the womanist idea--and the tradition blooming around it--has emerged as an important response to separatism, domination, and oppression. Gary L. Lemons gathers a diverse group of writers to discuss their scholarly and personal experiences with the womanist spirit of women of color feminisms. Feminist and womanist-identified educators, students, performers, and poets model the powerful ways that crossing borders of race, gender, class, sexuality, and nation-state affiliation(s) expands one's existence. At the same time, they bear witness (...)
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  28.  13
    The Life and Times of the Ayyūbid Vizier al-Ṣāḥib b. Shukr.Gary Leiser - 2020 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 97 (1):89-119.
    This is a description and assessment of the career of al-Ṣāḥib b. Shukr (548–622/1153–1225), the most important vizier of Ayyūbid Egypt. Born in the Delta, and raised in an influential family, he studied to become a jurist. After serving as a judge (qāḍī), he entered the administration of Saladin and subsequently became the vizier of two Ayyūbid sultans, al-ʿĀdil and his son al-Kāmil. His ruthlessness in raising money for them by transforming the Egyptian vizierate into a fund raising institution was (...)
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  29.  55
    Conceptual structures and scientific change.Gary Gutting - 1973 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 4 (3):209-230.
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    The economic approach to human behavior.Gary S. Becker - 1976 - University of Chicago press.
    Since his pioneering application of economic analysis to racial discrimination, Gary S. Becker has shown that an economic approach can provide a unified framework for understanding all human behavior. In a highly readable selection of essays Becker applies this approach to various aspects of human activity, including social interactions; crime and punishment; marriage, fertility, and the family; and "irrational" behavior. "Becker's highly regarded work in economics is most notable in the imaginative application of 'the economic approach' to a surprising (...)
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    Putting numbers on the network connections.Gary D. Stormo & Yue Zhao - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):717-721.
    DNA–protein interactions are fundamental to many biological processes, including the regulation of gene expression. Determining the binding affinities of transcription factors (TFs) to different DNA sequences allows the quantitative modeling of transcriptional regulatory networks and has been a significant technical challenge in molecular biology for many years. A recent paper by Maerkl and Quake1 demonstrated the use of microfluidic technology for the analysis of DNA–protein interactions. An array of short DNA sequences was spotted onto a glass slide, which was then (...)
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    Hidden Differences in Phenomenal Experience.Gary Lupyan, Ryutaro Uchiyama, Bill Thompson & Daniel Casasanto - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13239.
    In addition to the many easily observable differences between people, there are also differences in people's subjective experiences that are harder to observe, and which, as a consequence, remain hidden. For example, people vary widely in how much visual imagery they experience. But those who cannot see in their mind's eye, tend to assume everyone is like them. Those who can, assume everyone else can as well. We argue that a study of such hidden phenomenal differences has much to teach (...)
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  33. From care ethics to pluralist care theory: The state of the field.Mercer E. Gary - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (4):e12819.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 4, April 2022. -/- In a moment where needs for care are acute and their provision precarious, feminist care ethics has gained new relevance as a framework for understanding and responding to necessary interdependence. This article reviews and evaluates two long-standing critiques of care ethics in light of this recent research. First, I assess what I call the pluralist feminist critique, or the dispute over the ability of care ethics to address the needs and histories (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Free agency.Gary Watson - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (April):205-20.
    In the subsequent pages, I want to develop a distinction between wanting and valuing which will enable the familiar view of freedom to make sense of the notion of an unfree action. The contention will be that, in the case of actions that are unfree, the agent is unable to get what he most wants, or values, and this inability is due to his own "motivational system." In this case the obstruction to the action that he most wants to do (...)
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    Why-questions, determinism and circular reasoning.Gary Colwell - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (1):1-24.
    In this article I shall aim at showing that there exists beneath the surface of many why-questions about human behaviour a nest of deterministic assumptions which can preclude their ever being truly answered. A symptom of the presence of these underlying assumptions can be observed in an explanation-seeking dialogue in which the questioner persistently tries to discover ‘why’ a certain human behaviour occurred. He repeats his why-question until he gets the type of answer he wants, but in the process he (...)
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    Kantian Concepts, Liberal Theology, and Post-Kantian Idealism.Gary Dorrien - 2012 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 33 (1):5.
    This essay is part of a larger project that explores the role of Kantian and post-Kantian idealism in founding modern theology. More specifically, it investigates the impact of Kantian and post-Kantian idealism in creating what came to be called "liberal" theology in Germany and "modernist" theology in Great Britain. My descriptive argument is implied in this description, which folds together with my normative argument: Modern religious thought originated with idealistic convictions about the spiritual ground and unifying reality of freedom, and (...)
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  37. Geometry and visual space from antiquity to the early moderns.Gary Hatfield - 2020 - In Andrew Janiak, Space: a history. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Observation Sentences Revisited.Gary Kemp - 2021 - Mind 131 (523):805-825.
    I argue for an alternative to Quine’s conception of observation sentences, one that better satisfies the roles Quine envisages for them, and that otherwise respects Quinean constraints. After reviewing a certain predicament Quine got into in balancing the needs of the intersubjectivity of observation sentences with his notion of the stimulus meaning of an observation sentence, I push for replacing the latter with what I call the ‘stimulus field’ of an observation sentence, a notion that remains ‘proximate’ but is shared (...)
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    The Epistemic Status of Medicine in Descartes.Gary Steiner - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (1):55-72.
    Through much of his career, Descartes seems confident that he will be able to place medicine on a solid metaphysical foundation and perhaps even succeed in prolonging human life indefinitely. And yet Descartes never develops medicine as a systematic discipline. His failure to do so is inextricably bound up with his increasing focus on the substantial union of mind and body and his increasing awareness of the ultimate irreducibility of the world of sensory phenomena to clear and distinct insight. To (...)
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    Shakespeare & opera.Gary Schmidgall - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    If opera had existed in Elizabethan London, the world's Top Bard, as W.H. Auden called him, might have become the world's Top Librettist. As Gary Schmidgall shows in this illuminating study, Shakespeare's expressive ways and dramaturgical means are like those of composers and librettists in numerous and often astonishing ways. No wonder that well over two hundred operas have been based on Shakespeare's plays. Ranging widely through the Shakespearean canon and the standard operatic repertory, Schmidgall presents a fascinating comparison, (...)
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  41. Words and the world: predictive coding and the language-perception-cognition interface.Gary Lupyan & Andy Clark - 2015 - Current Directions in Psychological Science 24 (4):279-284.
    Can what we know change what we see? Does language affect cognition and perception? The last few years have seen increased attention to these seemingly disparate questions, but with little theoretical advance. We argue that substantial clarity can be gained by considering these questions through the lens of predictive processing, a framework in which mental representations—from the perceptual to the cognitive—reflect an interplay between downward-flowing predictions and upward-flowing sensory signals. This framework provides a parsimonious account of how what we know (...)
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  42.  24
    Rorty and Analytic Philosophy.Gary Gutting - 2020 - In Alan Malachowski, A companion to Rorty. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 211–228.
    Richard Rorty was an analytic philosopher, in the sense that his work is an important moment in the historical development that began with Russell, Wittgenstein, and the Vienna circle; continued through Quine, Sellars, and Davidson. In his "Intellectual Autobiography" Rorty notes that his work depended particularly that of Wittgenstein, Sellars, Davidson, and Brandom, who in turn required an understanding of the analytic philosophers they reacted against: Russell, Carnap, and Ayer. According to Rorty, twentieth‐century philosophy that emphasized rigor and scientificity accepted (...)
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  43.  8
    Dangers in the Incommensurability of Globalization: Socio-Political Volatilities.Gary Backhaus & John Murungi (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The thesis of incommensurability concerns the interrelation between subjective culture and objective culture through which the constitutive agency of chaos (incommensurability) emerges. The objectivations/products, the constituents of objective culture, carry their own Being, and this Being transcends the original subjective expressivities/intentions. The constitutive agency of this incommensurable interrelation becomes apparent in an age of globalization where its effects become global, bringing about dangerous socio-political volatilities. To illustrate, global warming has been neither the expressive intention of subjective culture nor a constituent (...)
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    Tensional Landscapes: The Dynamics of Boundaries and Placements.Gary Backhaus & John Murungi (eds.) - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    The contributors to this volume address global, regional, and local landscapes, cosmopolitan and indigenous cultures, and human and more-than-human ecology as they work to reveal place-specific tensional dynamics. This unusual book, which covers a wide-ranging array of topics, coheres into a work that will be a valuable reference for scholars of geography and the philosophy of place.
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    Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in der westlichen Oberstadt von Ḫattuša II. Edited by Andreas Schachner.Gary Beckman - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4).
    Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in der westlichen Oberstadt von Ḫattuša II. Edited by Andreas Schachner. Boğazköy-Ḫattuša, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, vol. 25. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 2017. Pp. xi + 401, illus., 2 plans. €129.95.
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    The sonic imperative: sound in the age of screens.Gary C. Woodward - 2021 - [United States?]: The Perfect Response.
    This book is a comprehensive overview of what sound means in this century. It's primary argument is that sound is the newest sense, having been elevated with the advent of sound recording approximately 100 years ago. With chapters ranging from sound recording to the acquisition of language, this study is meant to engage readers on what the author argues is our primary sense. Chapters on the weaponization of sound, sound refuges, and sound design are also part of these extensive study (...)
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  47. Personhood, Ethics, and Animal Cognition: Situating Animals in Hare’s Two Level Utilitarianism.Gary E. Varner - 2012 - , US: Oup Usa.
    Drawing heavily on recent empirical research to update R.M. Hare's two-level utilitarianism and expand Hare's treatment of "intuitive level rules," Gary Varner considers in detail the theory's application to animals while arguing that Hare should have recognized a hierarchy of persons, near-persons, & the merely sentient.
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    Physicalism, realization, and structure.Gary Fuller - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 68:31-36.
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    Values, Violence, and Our Future.Gary J. Acquaviva (ed.) - 2000 - Rodopi.
    This book identifies the character of human predators who violate others or themselves. The contagion of violence infects values that affect behavior. But we may call upon the intrinsic values of love, compassion, and creativity to oppose such violence. The book boldly argues for a renewal of the spiritual energy that gave rise to civilization.
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    Colloquium 1 Commentary on Stróżyński.Gary M. Gurtler - 2023 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 37 (1):17-25.
    The Comment gives corroborative support to Stróżyński’s thesis by using resources from I.6[1].7–9 and VI.5[23].1. The nature of the soul and its ascent to intellect and the One is clarified in I.6[1].7, as the soul’s ascent recaptures its own nature. It identifies not only with intellect, but directly with the One, needing only its own powers, making union with the One within one’s reach and common to all. A barrier to seeing this has been the 19th century description of mysticism (...)
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